Yahuah Bible

Why Yahuah Bible Online?

Yahuah Bible is a restored Bible Version taken directly from Hebrew texts. You will see that 99% of the names have been restored to their original or ancient version instead of using a translation of a proper name.

We have also restored the names of many places for better understanding according to Hebrew texts. 

Why Yahuah Bible?

We have been taught and indoctrinated many things since we were born, but the worst of them, is to make us believe that our Creator does not have a proper name.

That is why, we have taken the time to restore YAHUAH's name in every single Bible Verse where it occurs according to original Hebrew texts.

You will find His proper name Yahuah almost 6,800 times already restored in Yahuah Bible.

It is our main goal that you learn and recognize the real name of our Creator Yahuah and start calling His name in your lives.